Hosting Angularjs2 App using surge - the easy way
NOTE: This method is not only for angular2 based projects. You can use it for hosting any website with index.html(because by default index.html is the first file which is executed on server). Yesterday i was looking about different methods to host a angular app. Found a lot of solutions like heroku, gihtub pages etc. but there was one method which i liked the most that is using Surge. You just need to enter one command and taadaa !!...your website is live with a free doain name ( I have used to produce for the production based app but i used it for testing a website front-end. It was simple and easy. For more information about surge: Downloads and installations required: These are one time things once they are done you will be able to host your website with a single click. 1. Download Nodejs (pref. v6.x) Dont worry about this, you need not know anything in nodejs. we just need it for installing different packages and it also ...